I need help to fix an issue where when string have a double quote in the result and that data is exported to Excel from web application by clicking a button, the data exported to Excel shows up with double visible. I do not want this to show. On the other hand, if the data(string) has no double quotes, the display in Excel is okay
Here is an example. A cell with the following data <b>Allows the user the abilities to Add, View, Modify and Delete Notes on the Notes Tab of the Case Record. "View" allows the user to view the Notes Tab of the Case Record.</b>
When this is exported to Excel the data is displayed as follows <b>="Allows the user the abilities to Add, View, Modify and Delete Notes on the Notes Tab of the Case Record. "View" allows the user to view the Notes Tab of the Case Record.</b> I do not want to quotes to appear in Excel.
On the other hand, a cell with the following data <b>Maintain Victim Classification Types.</b> when this is exported to Excel there are no visible quotes. It displays as <b>Maintain Victim Classification Types.</b>
Here is my VB code that needed changing
Protected Sub WriteToExcelFile(dt As DataTable)
'This method exports the resulting query datatable to an instance of Excel using StringWriter
If Not dt Is Nothing Then
Dim sw As New StringWriter()
'Loop through the column names and output those first
For Each datacol As DataColumn In dt.Columns
sw.Write(datacol.ColumnName + vbTab)
Dim row As DataRow
'Loop through the datatable's rows
For Each row In dt.Rows
'Newline between the previous row and the next row
Dim column As New DataColumn()
'Loop through each column and write the cell the the stringwriter
For Each column In dt.Columns
'If the cell isn't empty write it, else write an empty cell
If Not row(column.ColumnName) Is Nothing Then
sw.Write("=""" & row(column).ToString().Trim() & """" & vbTab)
sw.Write(String.Empty + vbTab)
End If
Next column
Next row
'create an instance of Excel and write the data
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=GridViewExport.xls")
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.SuppressContent = True
End If
End Sub
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