Replacing chars in a LIST<T>

  • Thread starter Thread starter FcabralJ
  • Start date Start date



Currently I have a list of object "LIST<class>" which I need to replace illegal chars (for instance semicolumn ";") before generating the CSV. However the following code it's taking 3x times more than without it:

public static void ListToCsv<T, V>(List<V> query, string path)
var propertiesDto = typeof(T).GetProperties().Select(x => x.Name).ToList();
var propertiesIQueryable = typeof(V).GetProperties().Where(x => propertiesDto.Contains(x.Name));

using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(path))
sw.WriteLine(string.Join(UniversalVariables.csvDelimiter.ToString(), propertiesDto.Select(p => p)));

foreach (var row in query)
var obj = Activator.CreateInstance<T>();
string line = "";

foreach (var propertyQuery in propertiesIQueryable)
var value = RemoveIllegalChar(propertyQuery.GetValue(row, null));
//without the above line is 3x faster
//var value = propertyQuery.GetValue(row, null);
line += value + UniversalVariables.csvDelimiter.ToString();

sw.WriteLine(line.Remove(line.Length - 1));


private static string RemoveIllegalChar(object value)

var newValue = value.ToString();

if (value.GetType() == Type.GetType("System.String"))
// Updating date - time to get a valid .csv file:
newValue += newValue.Replace(";", ",").Replace(@"\t|\n|\r", "");

return newValue;

Before this method I have a LINQ query which maybe I could use to replace the chars, but I was not able to do it as my List turns into a List<string> instead of a List<class>:

var lstRecords = (from cp in dbLinq_2.Table
select cp).ToList();

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