c# cannot covert commanlineoptions to system.type

  • Thread starter Thread starter elfenliedtopfan55
  • Start date Start date


ok created the following

public class CommandLineOptions
[CommandLine.Option('f', "file", Required = true, HelpText = "Input file or directory to be processed")]
public string InputFile { get; set; }

[CommandLine.Option('o', "out", HelpText = "The output file (or directory path of which to export to)")]
public string OutputFile { get; set; }

[CommandLine.Option('m', "mode", HelpText = "Tool export mode (export, bin)")]
public string Mode { get; set; }

[CommandLine.Option('w', "watcher", HelpText = "Start a watcher for new export/bin files")]
public bool Watcher { get; set; }
public string GetUsage()
// Instance a helper
var help = new HelpText
AdditionalNewLineAfterOption = false,
AddDashesToOption = true
// Add actual usage
help.AddPreOptionsLine("Usage: " + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location) + " -f <file to process> (Or drag and drop a file)");
// Add all available options
// Return it
return help;

and trying to call it down here and parse the flags and i get this error.

static void Main(string[] args)

Application.Run(new Form1());

// Title
Console.Title = "ExportX";
// Header
Console.WriteLine("-- ExportX--" + Environment.NewLine);
// Handle arguments as follows:
// If all args are files, and it each contains a bin or export, convert to opposite format, in same dir
// Else, send to command parser,
// If no args, print usage
bool NeedsArgParse = (args.Length > 0) ? false : true;
// Check for them
foreach (string arg in args)
// Check it
if (!arg.StartsWith("-") && !arg.Contains("\"") && File.Exists(arg))
// Not needed yet
NeedsArgParse = false;
// We need to parse args
NeedsArgParse = true;
// Stop

// Check for multi-drag-drop
if (!NeedsArgParse)
// We detected multiple drag and drop, loop and convert
Parallel.ForEach<string>(args, (FilePath) =>
// Check for bin / export
string Compare = FilePath.ToLower();
// Check type
if (Compare.EndsWith(".xmodel_bin") || Compare.EndsWith(".xanim_bin"))
// Log it
Console.WriteLine(": Converting \"" + Path.GetFileName(FilePath) + "\"");
// Convert it
using (XAssetFile file = new XAssetFile(FilePath))
// Write to export
file.WriteExport(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath.ToLower()), Path.GetFileName(FilePath.ToLower()).Replace(".xanim_bin", ".xanim_export").Replace(".xmodel_bin", ".xmodel_export")));
else if (Compare.EndsWith(".xmodel_export") || Compare.EndsWith(".xanim_export"))
// Log it
Console.WriteLine(": Converting \"" + Path.GetFileName(FilePath) + "\"");
// Convert it
using (XAssetFile file = new XAssetFile(FilePath))
// Write to bin
file.WriteBin(Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(FilePath.ToLower()), Path.GetFileName(FilePath.ToLower()).Replace(".xanim_export", ".xanim_bin").Replace(".xmodel_export", ".xmodel_bin")));

// Done
Console.Write(": Finished converting...");
// We must parse the flags because we had one that wasn't a file
CommandLineOptions options = new CommandLineOptions();
// Commands
if (Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options))

// Check for *, if so, search current dir
if (options.InputFile == "*")
// Set to this
options.InputFile = Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location);
// Check for watcher
if (options.Watcher)
// Watcher only mode
if (Directory.Exists(options.InputFile))
// Setup filters
switch (options.Mode.ToLower())
case "bin":
WatcherManager.RunWatcher(options.InputFile, ".xmodel_export|.xanim_export", InFormat.Export);
case "export":
WatcherManager.RunWatcher(options.InputFile, ".xmodel_bin|.xanim_bin", InFormat.Bin);

// Failed

// Check whether or not we got a file or directory
var info = File.GetAttributes(options.InputFile);
// Check
if (info.HasFlag(FileAttributes.Directory))
// Search directory for files based on the mode
if (Directory.Exists(options.InputFile))
// Search for files based on mode in dir
List<string> FilesToProcess = new List<string>();
// Search for files opposite of the mode
if (options.Mode.ToLower() == "bin")
// Get exports
FilesToProcess.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(options.InputFile, "*.xmodel_export", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
FilesToProcess.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(options.InputFile, "*.xanim_export", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
// Log count
Console.WriteLine(": Converting " + FilesToProcess.Count + " files to bins");
else if (options.Mode.ToLower() == "export")
// Get bins
FilesToProcess.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(options.InputFile, "*.xmodel_bin", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
FilesToProcess.AddRange(Directory.GetFiles(options.InputFile, "*.xanim_bin", SearchOption.AllDirectories));
// Log count
Console.WriteLine(": Converting " + FilesToProcess.Count + " files to exports");
// Check output directory
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputFile) && !Directory.Exists(options.OutputFile))
// Make it
// Loop in parallel to convert them
Parallel.ForEach<string>(FilesToProcess, (ToConv) =>
// Process it
var ExportPath = string.Empty;
// Check
if (options.Mode.ToLower() == "export")
ExportPath = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputFile)) ? ToConv.ToLower().Replace(".xanim_bin", ".xanim_export").Replace(".xmodel_bin", ".xmodel_export") : Path.Combine(options.OutputFile, Path.GetFileName(ToConv.ToLower().Replace(".xanim_bin", ".xanim_export").Replace(".xmodel_bin", ".xmodel_export")));
ExportPath = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputFile)) ? ToConv.ToLower().Replace(".xanim_export", ".xanim_bin").Replace(".xmodel_export", ".xmodel_bin") : Path.Combine(options.OutputFile, Path.GetFileName(ToConv.ToLower().Replace(".xanim_export", ".xanim_bin").Replace(".xmodel_export", ".xmodel_bin")));
// Process and export
using (XAssetFile Converter = new XAssetFile(ToConv))
// Save it to opposite type
switch (Converter.Format)
case InFormat.Bin:
case InFormat.Export:
// Finished
Console.WriteLine(": Finished converting...");
// Process single file
if (File.Exists(options.InputFile))
// Process input
using (XAssetFile Converter = new XAssetFile(options.InputFile))
// Check what we have
if (options.Mode.ToLower() == "bin" && Converter.Format == InFormat.Export)
// Log
Console.WriteLine(": Converting \"" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(options.InputFile) + "\"");
// Save to bin
var ExportPath = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputFile)) ? options.InputFile.ToLower().Replace(".xanim_export", ".xanim_bin").Replace(".xmodel_export", ".xmodel_bin") : options.OutputFile;
// Save
// Done
Console.WriteLine(": Finished converting...");
else if (options.Mode.ToLower() == "export" && Converter.Format == InFormat.Bin)
// Log
Console.WriteLine(": Converting \"" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(options.InputFile) + "\"");
// Save to export
var ExportPath = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(options.OutputFile)) ? options.InputFile.ToLower().Replace(".xanim_bin", ".xanim_export").Replace(".xmodel_bin", ".xmodel_export") : options.OutputFile;
// Save
// Done
Console.WriteLine(": Finished converting...");
// Format match
Console.WriteLine(": Input and output formats match.");

this part here

// We must parse the flags because we had one that wasn't a file
CommandLineOptions options = new CommandLineOptions();
// Commands
if (Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options))

tells me it cant convert options as its commandlineoption to system.type not sure how to resolve this.

any help would be much appreciated thanks in advance elfenliedtopfan5

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