Every time I think I begin to comprehend the idea of lambda expressions in C# programming, I am proven wrong.
"The Lambda Expression in C# is the shorthand for writing the anonymous function."
In my reading on certain development topics, I run accross numerous examples of lambda expressions passed as parameters to methods. That is almost the ONLY usage of lambda expression in my reading. I tried to write a test example. The result of my test anonymous function is type int, so I tried passing it to a method expecting an int. The error messages told me the method needs to expect a function instead.
I tried the following, which resulted in 7 compile errors:
private void TestLambda(Func<x, y, result> func)
string X = result.ToString();
TestLambda((a, b) => a / b);
How do I code this correctly?
Jon Jacobs, There are 10 kinds of people: those who understand binary and those who don't
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