VB Novice Hendri
Hi there.
I am atemting to finalize the virtual recipe book for my wife. The main directory for the recipes is located on my PC, I prefer toKeep it like that.
This means that the line RecipeFolder = "M:\My Documents\My Resepte" will have to be changed to enabel my wife to find the directory over the network, so I thought of using a DirectorySearcher and then saving the selected directory to Settings.
Can you please explane to me step by step how to do this.
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I am atemting to finalize the virtual recipe book for my wife. The main directory for the recipes is located on my PC, I prefer toKeep it like that.
This means that the line RecipeFolder = "M:\My Documents\My Resepte" will have to be changed to enabel my wife to find the directory over the network, so I thought of using a DirectorySearcher and then saving the selected directory to Settings.
Can you please explane to me step by step how to do this.
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