Visual studio slows down my ability to edit my code

  • Thread starter Thread starter Futuronline
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Hi everybody,

Certain VS functionalities, under certain execution conditions, are tedious. If I'm very happy to get instantaneous information on my code when I'm debugging, I don't have same need when I edit my code in edit mode. I use the community version of VS and I love MS people and their products, even if I'm a fervent Linux (Arch) user. I use VS in Win 10 on VirtualBox 6 on Arch. My VM have acces to 8g of ram and the 4 CPUs of the real machine. Despite of that, when I edit my code the tooltips of Intellisense (almost I think) disturb me and force me to click several times in the text before the insertion of the cursor could be done. Often, I do not realize it and I delete or write elsewhere than where I wanted to intervene.

So my question is here : Can I have automatic tooltips enabled only when I debug and not when I edit the code in edit mode ?

Thanks for reading.

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