Wrong category while suppressing message

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kelvin Kamani
  • Start date Start date

Kelvin Kamani

I am working with visual studio for project building and warning resolution.
And for deployment purpose i am using azure pipelines.

suppression logic works in visual studio
but the azure pipeline does not recognize suppression in global suppression.

upon investigation i found that azure recognizes

[assembly: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1822:MarkMembersAsStatic", Scope = "member", Target = "
But when i am use visual studio suppression then it generates below code

[assembly: System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Performance", "CA1822:Mark members as static", Justification = "<Pending>", Scope = "member", Target = "
I am not able to figure out what to do and how to resolve this.

I am using visual studio version 4.8.03752
and for code analysis i am using VSIX extension named "Microsoft Code Analysis 2019"
Please provide some solution as i was not able to find any article related to this online.

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