Some of my unit tests are failing after updating Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.Abstractions from Version= to Version=
I have an ILogger mocked as so:
var loggerMock = new Mock<ILogger<BillingEventProcessor>>();
loggerMock.Setup(l => l.Log(
It.IsAny<IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>(),
It.IsAny<Func<object, Exception, string>>()));
And a unit that verifies a call to Log() has been made:
logger.Verify(l => l.Log(
It.IsAny<IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, object>>>(),
It.IsAny<Func<object, Exception, string>>())
Prior to updating, the IReadOnlyList<KeyValuePair<string, object>> type was of type FormattedLogValues.
In v2, FormattedLogValues was a public class but in v3.1.1, FormattedLogValues is an internal readonly struct. This changes appears to be the source of the test failure.
I've tried using It.IsAny<object> for that 3rd parameter instead of the IReadOnlyList or FormattedLogValues, but I didn't have any luck with that.
Anyone know how I can alter this test code to make the test pass? I can see from debugging info that a call to the Log method is made as expected, I just can't figure out how to set up these mocks correctly with the internal readonly struct parameter.
This is a .NET Core 2.2 project.
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