I have a Table Name Product Table and its columns are (id,Name,SaleQuantity,UnitPrice,Total,PostDate). I want to show the records in crystal reports between Two Dates. Like PostDate 2020-03-12 To 2020-5-12. Note it work on DataGridview.
I use Crystal Report Viewer and Crystal Report
Report Data

My Code
Dim myreport As New SSR
myreport.ParameterFields(0).CurrentValues.AddValue(DateTimePicker1.Value) '
myreport.ParameterFields(1).CurrentValues.AddValue(DateTimePicker2.Value) '
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myreport
In Crystal Report in Design Time, I Take Two Parameter as a String. In a "Find a Formula" I Place this code "{product.PostDate} in {?A} to {?B}"
A and B are name of para meter.
MUHAMMAD ANZAR E-mail : muhammadanzar@hotmail.com Mobile # :0092-3215096959
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I have a Table Name Product Table and its columns are (id,Name,SaleQuantity,UnitPrice,Total,PostDate). I want to show the records in crystal reports between Two Dates. Like PostDate 2020-03-12 To 2020-5-12. Note it work on DataGridview.
I use Crystal Report Viewer and Crystal Report
Report Data

My Code
Dim myreport As New SSR
myreport.ParameterFields(0).CurrentValues.AddValue(DateTimePicker1.Value) '
myreport.ParameterFields(1).CurrentValues.AddValue(DateTimePicker2.Value) '
CrystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = myreport
In Crystal Report in Design Time, I Take Two Parameter as a String. In a "Find a Formula" I Place this code "{product.PostDate} in {?A} to {?B}"
A and B are name of para meter.
MUHAMMAD ANZAR E-mail : muhammadanzar@hotmail.com Mobile # :0092-3215096959
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