I've reached the point where I have to admit defeat. I'm currently writing a game in C++ and DX11.1. I've recently experienced an issue on shutdown when I try to release a DirectDraw RenderTarget - ComPtr<ID2D1RenderTarget> mBackGroundRT - Memory::SafeRelease(mBackGroundRT)
Error - D3D11: DeviceChild reference counter underflow. Release should not be called on objects with zero reference count.
I've looked and looked, stripped my code base down just Creating a Window, Setting up DX and nothing more.
Direct2D Setup
// Direct2D
ThrowIfFailed(mSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&mBackGround)));// Grab BackBuffer
ThrowIfFailed(mD2DFactory->CreateDxgiSurfaceRenderTarget(mBackGround.Get(), &mTempProps, mBackGroundRT.GetAddressOf()));
// End Direct2D
I've checked ref counts and what objects remain but nothing give me an insight into what is causing this. The code worked before I implemented support for re-sizing Swap-Chain buffers but the stripped down codebase doesn't call any re-size code. Nothing was changed on the the creation of the swap chains
I don't like to reach out for help but this one has got me stumped. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
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I've reached the point where I have to admit defeat. I'm currently writing a game in C++ and DX11.1. I've recently experienced an issue on shutdown when I try to release a DirectDraw RenderTarget - ComPtr<ID2D1RenderTarget> mBackGroundRT - Memory::SafeRelease(mBackGroundRT)
Error - D3D11: DeviceChild reference counter underflow. Release should not be called on objects with zero reference count.
I've looked and looked, stripped my code base down just Creating a Window, Setting up DX and nothing more.
Direct2D Setup
// Direct2D

ThrowIfFailed(mSwapChain->GetBuffer(0, IID_PPV_ARGS(&mBackGround)));// Grab BackBuffer
ThrowIfFailed(mD2DFactory->CreateDxgiSurfaceRenderTarget(mBackGround.Get(), &mTempProps, mBackGroundRT.GetAddressOf()));
// End Direct2D
I've checked ref counts and what objects remain but nothing give me an insight into what is causing this. The code worked before I implemented support for re-sizing Swap-Chain buffers but the stripped down codebase doesn't call any re-size code. Nothing was changed on the the creation of the swap chains
I don't like to reach out for help but this one has got me stumped. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Best Regards,
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