Looking for something which help to access csv file and insert data into csv

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I am trying to insert data into csv file. I tried using XLWorkbook reference to access and insert data but I know that XLWorkbook can only support extension which are xlsx,xslm,xltx and xltm.

I am trying to find something similar to what I am trying to achieve through which I can insert data into specified column in csv file. I have used XLWorkbook for some other purpose but I am not aware to what I can use when i have to use csv.

XLWorkbook used ClosedXML.Excel

using ClosedXML.Excel

public Static Void InsertDatatoCSV()
//Accessing the csv file where I am trying to insert data.
string rootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().CodeBase);
string filelocation = @"\csv\TestData.csv";
string location = rootPath + filelocation;

...DB part to get dummyData from database...

XLWorkbook workbook = new XLWorkbook(pathfile);
IXLWorksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheet("Sheet1");
//Insert data after first row as first row contains column header
int lastrow = worksheet.LastRowUsed().RowNumber() + 1;

//through previous function I am trying get data from database and insert those data into csv cells
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("B{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.FirstName;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("C{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.LastName;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("D{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.Address1;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("E{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.Address2;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("F{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.City;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("G{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.StateProvinceCode;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("H{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.ZipCode;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("I{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.Country;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("J{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.HomePhone;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("L{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.HomePhone;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("M{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.CellPhone;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("T{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.Email;
worksheet.Cell(String.Format("U{0}", lastrow)).Value = dummydata.Country;

//After inserting save the file

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