Salar Music
hi guys..
I wrote a previous topic here
[HELP] read string from ( Internet Explorer_Server ) from other app
about read strings from ( Internet Explorer_Server ) in other app
and the teacher Castorix31 is answer me..
and the code work fine 100% but it's have small problem
the code can't read ( the smiles ) in chat

when i write in chat ( :1. ) the chat will convert it to
he can't read smile :/
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I wrote a previous topic here
[HELP] read string from ( Internet Explorer_Server ) from other app
about read strings from ( Internet Explorer_Server ) in other app
and the teacher Castorix31 is answer me..
and the code work fine 100% but it's have small problem
the code can't read ( the smiles ) in chat

when i write in chat ( :1. ) the chat will convert it to

he can't read smile :/
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