Can't see Form1 - not loaded - missing designer

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Developing a project in VS2019. Made changes to the code using Regex. Tried to recompile and received message that there was 1 error and recompiling would fix the error. It appears that a system object needed. Not where the object is located. Not sure where to put it. I'd appreciate some help.

Link in the project gave:

Visual Studio cannot open a designer for the file because the class within it does not inherit from a class that can be visually designed

There was 51 errors the first 3 were as follows and the rest were of the same type as3:

Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS0115 'Form1.Dispose(bool)': no suitable method found to override WinForm1 C:\vs\clone1\Form1.Designer.cs 14 Active
Error CS0117 'object' does not contain a definition for 'Dispose' WinForm1 C:\vs\clone1\Form1.Designer.cs 20 Active
Error CS1061 'Form1' does not contain a definition for 'SuspendLayout' and no accessible extension method 'SuspendLayout' accepting a first argument of type 'Form1' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) WinForm1 C:\vs\clone1\Form1.Designer.cs 63 Active

There is additional information in a previous post NQ_72 - Error VS2019.

I'd appreciate help, even if addressing the errors given above.

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