Dependency files with C# app and installer with Inno Setup

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I developed a small app with C# .NET and I created a installer with Inno Setup, but when I run the installer, the user can choose any folder to install the app and the problem is that my app depends on the location about some dependency files. The dependency files are indispensable for the proper functioning of the app.

So, if the dependency files are not installed in the correct folder, my app does not work.

I'm wondering whether in C#, the app could be independent of location of files dependency. For example, is it possible in C# to find the dependency files anywhere in the computer?

Maybe, is there something with Inno Setup to fix this issue?

For instance, I remember that most softwares I installed in my computer lets me to choose any location to install dependency files for the app, so I'm wondering how is it possible for the software to guess where are the dependency files?


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