c# can't access ODBC

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lomba1986
  • Start date Start date


Dear All,

I have a problem with my application because every time I try to execute


I receive this execption:

System.Data.Odbc.OdbcException: 'ERROR [IM002] [Microsoft][Driver Manager ODBC

I already check on connectionstring website, and I think that my string is correct

String strPathDb = @"C:\Users\Luca Lombardi\Desktop\Prova\Prova\" + myDatabaseMDB +"; Uid = ****; Pwd = *******";dbConnection.ConnectionString = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};Dbq=" + strPathDb;

where *** are the username and password.

Tha strange thing is that at first time I had created an example at it worked, but when I try to put it into my program it doesn't work. At the moment also my example doesn't work, but I don't understand what is change.

I work with Visual Studio 2019, on windows 10. I also installed the package SystemData.Odbc (last version) from NuGet

Have you some suggestion?

Thanks so much

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