Hi Team,
Trying to create Power Bi Report through the rest api.
Previously we have views to getting data from database (getting data from restapi and storing into SQL tables)
But now will try to remove views dependency and directly providing data to the power by the report through rest api.
Here the question how far we can do data manipulation like updating data or complex queries in SQL views.
Can we do all the options what we are doing in views with ODATA or any other through rest api services.
any other suggestions welcome
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ointer;color:#8924d8;text-decoration-line:underline;font-family:Montserrat, Arial, 'sans serif';font-size:14px;" tooltip="{welcome}: accept gladly
{welkcome}: wrong word">
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Trying to create Power Bi Report through the rest api.
Previously we have views to getting data from database (getting data from restapi and storing into SQL tables)
But now will try to remove views dependency and directly providing data to the power by the report through rest api.
Here the question how far we can do data manipulation like updating data or complex queries in SQL views.
Can we do all the options what we are doing in views with ODATA or any other through rest api services.
any other suggestions welcome
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