I would just like to know what is happening here and why the compiler doesn't pick up on it, and the application even runs until it hits that final statement.
I tried the same with a Sub GetWordApplication2() and calling it ... GetWordApplication2(sProgress) and as expected I got a compiler error Too many arguments to 'Private Shared Sub GetWordApplication2' and the application won't compile. However, if I declare the Function as shown below, the compiler is perfectly happy, it does not pick up on the fact that I am calling it with a parameter sProgress that hasn't been declared in the Function declaration. It even RUNS - you can step through the code in GetWordApplication and get right up to, and including the "Return" statement. Only AFTER stepping through and returning to the statement oWord = GetWordApplication(sProgress) in the calling Main() method - only THEN is an error raised. In the case where I'm returning Nothing it raises a NullreferenceException, in the case of the GetObject call I'm getting the message: "An unhandled exception of type 'System.MissingMemberException' occurred in Microsoft.VisualBasic.dll
Additional information: No default member found for type 'ApplicationClass'."
As you can imagine I was getting the "missingmemberexception" error in a big project which led me down a rabbit hole and on a wild goose chase thinking something was amiss with Word, until I took a step back and realised I was calling a function passing in a parameter it wasn't expecting at which point I slapped myself for being so stupid.
But why didn't the compiler spot this?
Friend Shared Sub Main()
Dim oWord As Object = Nothing
Dim sProgress As String = String.Empty
oWord = GetWordApplication(sProgress)
End Sub
Private Shared Function GetWordApplication() As Object
Return Nothing
'Return Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction.GetObject("", "Word.Application")
End Function
Pino Carafa
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