issue in copying arguments from CommandLineToArgvW

  • Thread starter Thread starter Harsha_MR
  • Start date Start date


I have a need to convert command line argument to integer and when i do that with using CommandLineToArgvW API I dont get correct value. What could be in the code below..?

int main(int argc,char *argv[])
LPWSTR *LPWSTR_argv = CommandLineToArgvW(GetCommandLine(), &numArgs);

int User_Input_value = 0;

//This Does not work and gives the value "3" but provided in command line argument is "33".
User_Input_value = atoi(reinterpret_cast<char*>(LPWSTR_argv[1]));

//This works and gives the value "33" provided in command line argument
User_Input_value = atoi(argv[1]);

When I see the memory data for argv, it shows that 1st and 2nd command line argument are fine..

But when I see memory data for LPWSTR_argv, after every character in the command line input there is NULL..

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