Update xml file

  • Thread starter Thread starter dianas28
  • Start date Start date


Good afternoon, I already know how to write an xml file, now I need to edit it, I am showing the saved data of my xml file in a datagridview. I select the row that I want to edit but I do not know how to edit and to update. I will pass what was selected to the textbox, but I don't know how to edit it and update it in the xml, can you help me please I have the following.
To edit I select what is in the datagrid view and they are shown in the textboxes.

Private Sub btnEditar_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnEditar.Click

If booleanBanderaUno And booleanBanderaDos = True Then
btnGuardar.Enabled = True

With xmldDoc

.SelectSingleNode("Direccion").InnerText = txtDireccion.Text

.SelectSingleNode("CedulaJuridica").InnerText = txtCedulaJuridica.Text


End With

End If

Catch ex As Exception

End Try
End Sub

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