save xml files separately

  • Thread starter Thread starter dianas28
  • Start date Start date


Good evening, I already know how to write xml files in the same file, the matter now is how I write files now separately, example: file 1, file 2, file 3 ... Can someone tell me how to please ... For each xml write do one xml separately.

Currently I write the files like this and it works well, but I need to make xml file separately

Dim configuracionArchivo As New XmlWriterSettings

configuracionArchivo.Indent = True

Using escribiendoFactura As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create("Facturas.xml", configuracionArchivo)
With escribiendoFactura

'Write the xml declaration




'Nodos de factura




Currently I write the files like this and it works well, but I need to make xml file separately

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