Hey there,
I'm trying to test the Azure IoT Hub. MQTTBox is used for testing. I have generated certificate.pem and key.pem from openssl. Command used is
i have used certificate.pem on client certificate section and key.pem on client key file.
MQTT client id = TESTUSER
protocol = mqtt/tls
HOST is iothubhostname.azure-devices.net:8883
ssl/tls certificate type=self signed certificate.
passowrd= none
but the connection error occurring .
i have created the device on Azure web portal using fingerprint of the certificate.pem
lease don't refer to any site because I already checked that.
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I'm trying to test the Azure IoT Hub. MQTTBox is used for testing. I have generated certificate.pem and key.pem from openssl. Command used is
- openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout key.pem -x509 -days 365 -out certificate.pem – to generate a new private key and public certificate
i have used certificate.pem on client certificate section and key.pem on client key file.
MQTT client id = TESTUSER
protocol = mqtt/tls
HOST is iothubhostname.azure-devices.net:8883
ssl/tls certificate type=self signed certificate.
passowrd= none
but the connection error occurring .
i have created the device on Azure web portal using fingerprint of the certificate.pem
- is the command for generating certificate and key is correct?
- no need to add any file on CA file option?
- is a need to fill the user name option?
- is the procedure for doing is correct or is there any steps missing?

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