Developer Dude
I am using the following code to find an account code for a customer name that is selected using a combobox.
If the customer name includes an apostrophe (single quote), the code produces an error message.
Dim Keys As New List(Of String)
For Each Row As DataRow In dsPSB.Tables("dtCUST").Select("CUST_NAME = '" & cboCUST.Text & "'")
MsgBox(CType((Row.ItemArray(4)), String))
End If
Could someone please advise how to prevent this from occurring? Thanks.
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I am using the following code to find an account code for a customer name that is selected using a combobox.
If the customer name includes an apostrophe (single quote), the code produces an error message.
Dim Keys As New List(Of String)
For Each Row As DataRow In dsPSB.Tables("dtCUST").Select("CUST_NAME = '" & cboCUST.Text & "'")
MsgBox(CType((Row.ItemArray(4)), String))
End If
Could someone please advise how to prevent this from occurring? Thanks.
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