How To Programatically Set A DataGridView Cell Text To Bold

  • Thread starter Thread starter AussieHack
  • Start date Start date


Hello community,

Thank you for help with this...

I am trying to find the correct syntax to set a referenced data grid view cells text to bold.
Or failing that a referenced rows text to bold

I was trying to using the current row and cell values as a reference of which cells set.
I Cant seem to find the correct command to get it to work however. DefaultCellyStyle appears not to be correct, or I'm not implementing it correctly.

I was trying something along the lines of pseudo code...

DataGridView.CurrentCell.DefaultCellStyle.Font.Bold = true

Or failing that the whole rows text set to bold would do at a push...

DataGridView.CurrentRow.DefaultCellStyle.Font.Bold = True

Any help would be appreciated.

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