Upgrading to VS 2019 community - can't find mscorlib for .NET Framework versiion=4.0

  • Thread starter Thread starter brittont0
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I'm upgrading an old C# Forms app from VS 2005 to VS 2019 (Community) on Win 10 (Home). Loads OK and can edit code, but when it tries to open a Designer, fails with an error saying it can't find .NET Framework version=4.0. The framework appears to exist in the C:\windows\Microsoft.NEW\Framework folder (v4.0.30319) and ...\Framework64 (v4.0.30319), both of which contain copies of mscorlib.dll. I tried changing the required framework to 2.0 (which also appears to exist with mscorlib.dll) but get the same error - saying it can't find Version=2.0.

Can anyone help?

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