Crystel Report

  • Thread starter Thread starter Pankaj Mali
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Pankaj Mali

I have a Project in VB-6 , I Used Crystel Report 8.5 For Showing Data Report Using Sql Server 2008

I Have Lots Of Crystel Report RPT File in that version working perfectly all right

now i am trying to develop a project in visual studio 2008, I was using following code to show One Of Those Report

CryRep.ReportFileName = "MasterData.rpt"
CryRep..ReportTitle = "Trial Balance Report As on Date " & Format(Tdt, "dd/mm/yyyy")
CryRep.Formulas(1) = "AcGrpName='" & RTrim(txtAccGroup) & "'"
CryRep.SQLQuery = "Select * From Mast m Order By m.Aname"
CryRep.WindowState = crptMaximized
CryRep.WindowShowGroupTree = True

How Can I Manage The Same in Visual Studio 2008 Project ? Please Halp Me

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