I am getting null reference in address1

  • Thread starter Thread starter valliammai26
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I have write my code in vb.net. I have class shipping_address.
In the loop statement, the first data there is no any address. How to check nothing then assign the value for address1 ? Whenever i run i am getting null reference exception.

For Each obj In st.orders
Dim RefNo As Long = obj.id
Dim OrderDate As String = obj.created_at
Dim TotalAmt As Double = obj.total_price
Dim Email As String = obj.email
Dim CustName As String = obj.name

Dim TotalTax As Double = obj.total_tax
Dim TotalWeight As Long = obj.total_weight
Dim Remarks As String = obj.note
Dim FirstName As String = obj.customer.first_name
Dim LastName As String = obj.customer.last_name
Dim ShipCode As String = obj.shipping_lines(0).code
Dim ShipPrice As Double = obj.shipping_lines(0).price
Dim SAddress As String= obj.shipping_address.address1


I have tried :

But failed :

Dim SAddress As String
If obj.shipping_address IsNot Nothing AndAlso _
obj.shipping_address.address1 = String.Empty Then
obj.shipping_address.address1 = SAddress
End If

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