How to capture .Net application issue occurring in few user pc

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sudip_inn
  • Start date Start date


i have windows application which i publish to a centralize folder and our all internal users install that application from that centralize folder. now a weird thing is happening where i am getting unable to capture the issue.

i have used EPPlus to generate a excel and some time currency symbol add before numeric digit by NumberFormat property of EPPlus. when currency symbol comes that is determine various if-else logic. it means not always currency symbol will be added before numeric value.

i am doing things like this way

if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_CurrencySign))
worksheet.Cells[celladdress].Style.Numberformat.Format = _CurrencySign + "#,##0.0000;" + _CurrencySign + "(#,##0.0000);" + _CurrencySign + "#,##0.0000";

Now when i am running application from VS2013 right output is coming. when running application from publish location then right output is coming. my OS is windows 10 and when another user with windows 10 OS running same application from publish location then output is ok but two user has windows 8 and they output is not ok. in thir pc currency sign always coming which not suppose to come.

i am not being able to capture this issue because this problem is not occur in my pc. the problem is sign always coming before numeric value which is not right.

please guide me how can i capture this issue because it is occurring in few user pc. it is getting pc specific.

please guide me in details. thanks

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