Masood Naqvi
I have observed string width which I am getting in Windows10 is different from what I get in Windows7.
I am using following code:
public double CalculateTextLengthPixels(string msg, string FontName, decimal FontSize,string fontStyle, float DpiX)
//string msg = "Hello world!";
//string FontName = "Arial";
//decimal FontSize = 30;
double width = 0.0;
Font stringFont = new Font(FontName, (float)FontSize, (FontStyle)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(FontStyle),fontStyle), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
using (Bitmap tempImage = new Bitmap(600, 600))
SizeF stringSize = Graphics.FromImage(tempImage).MeasureString(msg, stringFont);
width = stringSize.Width;
return DpiX * width/72;
Please tell me how to calculate string width in Windows7 accurately
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I am using following code:
public double CalculateTextLengthPixels(string msg, string FontName, decimal FontSize,string fontStyle, float DpiX)
//string msg = "Hello world!";
//string FontName = "Arial";
//decimal FontSize = 30;
double width = 0.0;
Font stringFont = new Font(FontName, (float)FontSize, (FontStyle)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(FontStyle),fontStyle), GraphicsUnit.Pixel);
using (Bitmap tempImage = new Bitmap(600, 600))
SizeF stringSize = Graphics.FromImage(tempImage).MeasureString(msg, stringFont);
width = stringSize.Width;
return DpiX * width/72;
Please tell me how to calculate string width in Windows7 accurately
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