Azure Sql Column Level Encryption Error - Failed to decrypt a column encryption key using key store provider: 'AZURE_KEY_VAULT'

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shiraj S
  • Start date Start date

Shiraj S

I am working POC of API to store/retrieve some sensitive information to/from SQL database. API uses EF core for DB operations. I have configured the column level encryption with Azure KeyVault provider.

Master key is getting generated in KeyVault.

EF Configuration

EF Core Decryption of SQL Column Level Encryption

I need to use managed identity to access encryption MasterKey form KeyVault. Below is the code to initialize KeyVault Provider and get token token using the Microsoft.Azure.Services.AppAuthentication library to access KeyVault.

private static void InitializeAzureKeyVaultProvider()


SqlColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider azureKeyVaultProvider =

new SqlColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider(GetToken);

Dictionary<string, SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider> providers =

new Dictionary<string, SqlColumnEncryptionKeyStoreProvider>();

providers.Add(SqlColumnEncryptionAzureKeyVaultProvider.ProviderName, azureKeyVaultProvider);



private static async Task<string> GetToken(string authority, string resource, string scope)


var azureServiceTokenProvider = new AzureServiceTokenProvider();

string accessToken = await azureServiceTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync("").ConfigureAwait(false);

return accessToken;


Access token is getting generated successfully.

In addition to master key, I am storing connection string in KeyVault and configured KeyVault provider using Managed identity to retrieve connection string from KeyVault.

Azure Key Vault Configuration Provider in ASP.NET Core

I deployed the Api App in Azure and enabled the Identity. I used this system generated ObjectId to add KeyVault access policy to allow Api to access KeyVault.

I have provided the required permissions to keys such as get,wrapKey,unwrapKey,sign,verify,list

Now I can access the connection string and able connect to database. But when I am trying to save the record in database I am getting below error.

Looks like with a generated token I am not able to access the KeyVault. Am I missing any step. Please help.



Message=An error occurred while updating the entries. See the inner exception for details.



at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.ReaderModificationCommandBatch.Execute(IRelationalConnection connection)

at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Update.Internal.BatchExecutor.Execute(IEnumerable`1 commandBatches, IRelationalConnection connection)

at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage.RelationalDatabase.SaveChanges(IList`1 entries)

at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(IList`1 entriesToSave)

at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(DbContext _, Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)

at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer.Storage.Internal.SqlServerExecutionStrategy.Execute[TState,TResult](TState state, Func`3 operation, Func`3 verifySucceeded)

at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.StateManager.SaveChanges(Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)

at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.SaveChanges(Boolean acceptAllChangesOnSuccess)

at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.DbContext.SaveChanges()

at DbEncryptionApi.Controllers.MedicalController.SavePatientRecord(PatientDto patient) in D:\Data\Projects\DbEncryptionApi\DbEncryptionApi\Controllers\MedicalController.cs:line 34

at Microsoft.Extensions.Internal.ObjectMethodExecutor.Execute(Object target, Object[] parameters)

at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ActionMethodExecutor.SyncActionResultExecutor.Execute(IActionResultTypeMapper mapper, ObjectMethodExecutor executor, Object controller, Object[] arguments)

at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeActionMethodAsync()

at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.Next(State& next, Scope& scope, Object& state, Boolean& isCompleted)

at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Infrastructure.ControllerActionInvoker.InvokeNextActionFilterAsync()

This exception was originally thrown at this call stack:

[External Code]

Inner Exception 1:

SqlException: Failed to decrypt a column encryption key using key store provider: 'AZURE_KEY_VAULT'. Verify the properties of the column encryption key and its column master key in your database. The last 10 bytes of the encrypted column encryption key are: 'C6-C8-F6-58-A0-DE-6F-68-73-9F'.

One or more errors occurred. (Operation returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized')

Inner Exception 2:

KeyVaultErrorException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'Unauthorized'

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