I recently created a new project in C but but as soon as i try to compile pops out a message "no such file or directory/recipe for target file main.c failed" ,thus objective file cant be obtained.Code is correct for sure and the header is without spelling errors.Ive been looking trough internet for several days but havent found a solution yet.Some things that ive tried were to disable antivirus and windows defender ,turn my dev++ int a portable one,change to codelite from devC++,add some extra libraries but nonsense.Its seems to be path problem but i dont now how to fix it .Indicates an error in include "efarmogi_stack.h" library. Any help would be appreciable.
Thanks in advance!
ps. the code is a part of three codes trying to build them together in my project
here is the first part.
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Thanks in advance!
ps. the code is a part of three codes trying to build them together in my project
here is the first part.
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include "efarmogi2_stack.h"
- main()
- {
- int choice,i;
- STACK st;
- FOITITIS elem;
- ST_init(&amp;st);
- while(1)
- {
- system(&#34;cls&#34
- printf(&#34;Menu Stoivas: &#34
- printf(&#34;\n--------------&#34
- printf(&#34;\n1-Othisi&#34
- printf(&#34;\n2-Eksagogi&#34
- printf(&#34;\n3-Ektypwsi&#34
- printf(&#34;\n4-Eksodos&#34
- printf(&#34;\nEpilogi? &#34
- scanf(&#34;%d&#34;,&amp;choice);
- switch(choice)
- {
- case 1:
- fflush(stdin);
- printf(&#34;\nDwse Onomateponimo: &#34
- gets(elem.onoma);
- printf(&#34;\nDwse to vathmo: &#34
- scanf(&#34;%d&#34;, &amp;elem.vathmos);
- if (ST_push(&amp;st,elem))
- printf(&#34;Egine i othisi!&#34
- else
- printf(&#34;Den egine i othisi! Gemati Stoiva!&#34
- break;
- case 2:
- if (ST_pop(&amp;st,&amp;elem))
- printf(&#34;Egine i eksagogi tou %s(%d)&#34;, elem.onoma,elem.vathmos);
- else
- printf(&#34;Den egine i eksagogi! Adeia Stoiva!&#34
- break;
- case 3:
- //Apagorevetai na akoumpame ti domi!!
- printf(&#34;\n\nH stoiva exei %d stoixeia: \n&#34;, st.top+1);
- for (i=0; i&lt;=st.top; i++)
- {
- printf(&#34;|%s(%d)&#34;,st.array.onoma, st.array.vathmos);
[*] }
[*] break;
[*] case 4:
[*] printf(&#34;Bye Bye!!&#34;
[*] exit(0);
[*] default:
[*] printf(&#34;Lathos eisodos!&#34;
[*] }
[*] printf(&#34;\n\n&#34;
[*] system(&#34;pause&#34;
[*] }
[*] }
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