Store List view Values into a Multi Dimensional array

  • Thread starter Thread starter Aravindadx
  • Start date Start date


Hello everybody,

According to my program I have few list views and those list views are feed from another list view items through the drag and drop. Now I need to store the list view item values into a Multi dimensional array as follows.

0.0 = ABC

0.1 = DEF

1.1 = GHI

But the thing is, each list view has different item count and some list views items may null. My target is generate a word template by using this array values. So I have used the following code to do this operation, but it's not working properly because the error of "Index was outside the bounds of the array."

Dim arr As String(,) = New String(,) {}

For j As Integer = 0 To 1
For i As Integer = 0 To CType(Me.Controls("lstvhome" + j.ToString()), ListView).Items.Count - 1
arr(j, i) = CType(Me.Controls("lstvhome" + j.ToString()), ListView).Items(i).ToString

So, I would like to know if there are any method to do this operation can I use an alternate way such as dictionary method to store those values as my requirement. I appreciate your kindness reply for me.

Thanks in Regards !!

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