How to use GZIP compression with C# SqlBulkCopy method for a table in SQL database

  • Thread starter Thread starter Silvers11
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I have an SQL question. I know SQL question normally should be asked in: ""

But I think this question is more of a C# question, so I try this out here.

I am trying to understand how compression work and would like to compress the whole table using the: GZIP Algorithm. I have looked at this very well written link about this: Using COMPRESS and DECOMPRESS in SQL Server to Save Disk Space

Below code that I have now only inserts data into the table uncompressed. As seen which is very important, I use the "SqlBulkCopy" function to insert data in bulk which is much more effcient, instead of inserting one row at a time.

I will show step by step of how I do this and my question simply will be, how can I instead insert all those values for ALL the columns using the GZIP algorithm to save a lot of space. As seen in the link the GZIP only takes up 6% of the space.

1. Create the table: table123

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[table123] (
[_CategoryNbr] TINYINT DEFAULT ((0)) NOT NULL,
[_Value] FLOAT (53) NULL,
[_Bool] BIT NULL,
CONSTRAINT [PK_table123] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ([_DayNr] ASC, [_DateTime] ASC, [_CategoryNbr] ASC, [_FeatureNbr] ASC),
CONSTRAINT [UC_table123] UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED ([_FeatureNbr] ASC, [_DateTime] ASC)

2. I will call this function that in its name tells what it does: writeTo_table123_in_Gzip_Compressed_Format

a) I will here then first, create a "DataTable"(15000 rows) with values by calling the function: createDataTable

b) I will open a connection to the SQL database: SqlConnection conn

c) I will insert bulk Records into the: "table123" using: objbulk.WriteToServer(tbl);

How would it in c) be possible to insert all this to "table123" using the GZIP algorithm method?

void writeTo_table123_in_Gzip_Compressed_Format()
//Get "DataTable" with values
DataTable tbl = new DataTable();
List<String> columnNameLIST = new List<String>();
createDataTable(out tbl, out columnNameLIST);

//Open SQL connection and write this "DataTable" in bulk to "table123" in the database
using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()))
SqlBulkCopy objbulk = new SqlBulkCopy(conn); //create object of SqlBulkCopy which help to insert
objbulk.BatchSize = 0; //numbers of rows in each batch to write to server. zero if no value has been set.
objbulk.BulkCopyTimeout = 1200; //seconds for timeout
objbulk.DestinationTableName = "table123"; //assign Destination table name
for (int i = 0; i < columnNameLIST.Count; i++)
objbulk.ColumnMappings.Add(columnNameLIST, columnNameLIST);

//Now dump tbl to: "table123" in database
objbulk.WriteToServer(tbl); //insert bulk Records into DataBase.
void createDataTable(out DataTable tbl, out List<String> columnNameLIST)
columnNameLIST = new List<String>();
tbl = new DataTable(); //Add all values to table now! (Add the column names first)
columnNameLIST.Add("_DateTime"); columnNameLIST.Add("_DayNr"); columnNameLIST.Add("_CategoryNbr"); columnNameLIST.Add("_FeatureNbr"); columnNameLIST.Add("_Value"); columnNameLIST.Add("_Bool");
for (int i = 0; i < columnNameLIST.Count; i++)
DataColumn column = new DataColumn();
if (i == 0) { column.AllowDBNull = false; column.ColumnName = columnNameLIST; column.DataType = typeof(DateTime); } //SMALLDATETIME (_DateTime)
if (i == 1) { column.AllowDBNull = false; column.ColumnName = columnNameLIST; column.DataType = typeof(byte); } //TINYINT (_DayNr)
if (i == 2) { column.AllowDBNull = false; column.ColumnName = columnNameLIST; column.DataType = typeof(byte); } //TINYINT (_CategoryNbr)
if (i == 3) { column.AllowDBNull = false; column.ColumnName = columnNameLIST; column.DataType = typeof(Int16); } //SMALLINT (_FeatureNbr)
if (i == 4) { column.AllowDBNull = true; column.ColumnName = columnNameLIST; column.DataType = typeof(double); } //FLOAT(53) (_Value)
if (i == 5) { column.AllowDBNull = true; column.ColumnName = columnNameLIST; column.DataType = typeof(bool); } //BIT (_Bool)
//Add all rows with values for all columns
DateTime datetime = DateTime.Now; Int16 _featurenr = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < 30000; i++) //Each row has a DateTime update: "201005011830"
DataRow dr = tbl.NewRow();
dr["_DateTime"] = datetime;
dr["_DayNr"] = Convert.ToByte(datetime.Day);
dr["_CategoryNbr"] = (byte)10;

dr["_FeatureNbr"] = _featurenr;
dr["_Value"] = 12.2549874239;
dr["_Bool"] = true;

datetime = datetime.AddMinutes(1);
public String GetConnectionString() { return "Data Source=WIN-S5P46PFR8ST;Initial Catalog=C:\\AI\\ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE\\FEATURESDATABASE1.MDF;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=3600"; }

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