The designer cannot process the code at line 309: this.bunifuImageButton3.Image = global::HOTEL_MANAGEMENT_SYSTEM.Properties.Resources.car_hire; The code within the method 'InitializeComponent' is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.
Good day,
I added an item from another project to my .net c# win form project and all of a sudden it keep saying my resources could not be found.
Then i read from a blog and I was advised to delete all files in properties and rebuild. It just got worse, please help.... anyone?
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Good day,
I added an item from another project to my .net c# win form project and all of a sudden it keep saying my resources could not be found.
Then i read from a blog and I was advised to delete all files in properties and rebuild. It just got worse, please help.... anyone?
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