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Hi, I have a question. I have a method that sends and receives messengers via serial port as a byte arrays,

to SerialPort DataRecived I am adding an event that will read response and assign it to type

so basically it should be easy and looks like this:

       async {

            let buffer = Array.zeroCreate<byte> port.ReadBufferSize

            let response = new Response(buffer)


            let data_recived =


                    let! read_buffer = port.AsyncReadLineAsByte()

                    response.Data <- read_buffer

                    printfn "Response Buffer: %A response type: %A" read_buffer response.Data


                |> Async.RunSynchronously

            port.DataReceived.Add(fun _-> data_recived)

            do! port.AsyncWriteLineAsByte messange

            //Something to wait for fired event


            return response.Data


And type looks like

type Response(buffer: byte[]) =

    let mutable _response = buffer


    member this.Data

        with get() = _response

        and set(value) = _response <- value

Between sending messenge and returning byte array i need something that will wait for event to fire and finish so far i tried:

let! args = port.DataReceived |> Async.RunSynchronously

But this get stuck, also i tried:

           while response.Data = buffer

                do printfn "Response: %A \r Buffer: %A" response.Data buffer

Well this works one time, if I send second message it goes to endless loop like this while is fire before event is fired.

Is there any way for this to work?

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