Everythings a [*.lnk] after Anti-Spy downloads

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kevin T. Mahoney
  • Start date Start date

Kevin T. Mahoney

Everybody, and Anybody,
HELP!! I've been plagued with Errors [Runtime, MSIMN.exe, "Unexplained",
etc.] slow-downs, and crashes for weeks.
Running Windows 200-Professional, w/IE6, OE6, and receiving MS/Windows
Automatic Updates. I've hunted to no avail to download real MS
Anti-V/Anti-Spy Programs that will work on my "LOWLY Win2000". Last night,
and into the early A.M., I tried several "Third-Party" set-ups for this type
of program. One said that I was infested with dozens (no exageration) of
Viruses[virii ?], Trojan Horses, etc. which could only be contained and
erraticated with thier "Full" purchased pack.
I tried to UNinstall that from my PC, and it was stubborn.
I found that hard to believe, because I'd just run the MS/Windows Live
OneCare Protection/Clean-up/Tune-up, and was assured that everything on my PC
was FINE.
I followed this up with launching the indwelling "Error Check", Clean,
Defrag, on the Windows System in my PC.
Then I downloaded AVG 7.5 Anti-Malware/Virus/Spyware Pack, for a 30-day
Free Trial run. It says that it found, and isolated to V-Vault [but can't
"HEAL"] SEVEN Trojan Horses!!!! [MS Central found none]
Ever since this A.M. ALL-LL-lll-llll of the programs run sluggishly, and
are now named with a curious [*.lnk] at the end of each. Even in the Start
window, the Microsoft and Windows Update programs are labelled, *.lnk.

Please, somebody figure this out.
KTM, Saco, ME