Is there a file access reporting program available

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On some other OS's there have been (usually optional) programs
available to perform what amounts to a security audit of the
filesystem (specifically individual file access) on a per user basis;
they can provide a complete listing of all files on the system that
user 'X' can access, and what that access is, or generate a blanket
report of all files that meet certain access specifications (like
world read access).

Is there any equivalent to that capability for Windows Server 2003 or
newer? We really don't want to roll our own but I haven't been able
to come up with a google search that isn't overloaded with other
security issues.

Re: Is there a file access reporting program available

On Dec 2, 2:00 am, wrote:
> On some other OS's there have been (usually optional) programs
> available to perform what amounts to asecurityauditof the
> filesystem (specifically individualfileaccess) on a per user basis;
> they can provide a complete listing of all files on the system that
> user 'X' canaccess, and what thataccessis, or generate a blanket
> report of all files that meet certainaccessspecifications (like
> world readaccess).
> Is there any equivalent to that capability for Windows Server 2003 or
> newer? We really don't want to roll our own but I haven't been able
> to come up with a google search that isn't overloaded with othersecurityissues.
> Thanks.

I did add the 'audit' keyword to google searches and found a few
somewhat helpful posts, but nearly all seem to be aimed at tracking
actual live accesses via the windows auditing facility. What we need
to do is determine 'potential' access, before it happens, so the OS
provided logging is not a solution. Unless of course we run-as each
user and just brut force try all the needed files, which seems quite
excessive. Any thoughts on a working solution would be appreciated.
