What's the Pool Block Header?

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
My M4's been having a bunch of random BSODs lately (they've been steadily increasing since around August this year).

They're all BAD_POOL_HEADER with Parameter 1 of 20.

According to MSDN's DDK area, my laptop's pool block header is corrupt.

Whilst this helps... I'm not a driver developer (yet), so I don't know what the Pool Block Header is, nor what caused the corruption.

The errors are dutifully logged in the System Event log, so I've got all 4 parameters:

Error code 00000019, parameter1 00000020, parameter2 e2778000, parameter3 e27780b0, parameter4 0c160200.

...but nothing else to go by.

Just tell me this is a software/driver issue and not hardware, I don't want to have to send my laptop off again.

EDIT: FWIW, a Technet page says BAD_POOL_HEADER bsods are: "This is, perhaps, the most obscure error message. In most cases, if youreceive this error, it's related to the most recent change you've madeon your system. Try undoing the change to get rid of the error."

...but I've been having these errors for ages, and I've made loads of changes since then.

Anyone reckon it's hardware?


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