I dont want to lock local screen during remote console access

  • Thread starter Thread starter Andy Scutt
  • Start date Start date

Andy Scutt


We have just upgraded one of our servers to 2003 which is used in our office
as a live monitoring platform. Unfortunately it is also used by remote
engineers to RDP to. Now when someone connects to the server (to the console)
the local screen locks, which is not a big issue if, when the remote
connection ends, the screen would unlock. But it doesnt - is there anything I
can do to either stop the local session getting locked when a console
connection comes in or automatically log the local session back in after rdp
session ends?

Re: I dont want to lock local screen during remote console access

You can not prevent the local (physical) console session from
locking, since you can only have a single console session. It's
either displayed on the physical console, or remote.

You cannot force the console session back to the physical console
either, but you can ask your remote engineers to disconnect through
a batchfile which you could put on the console desktop, and which
does just that. Should contain this command:

tscon 0 /dest:console

This will disconnect the remote console session and 'push' it back
to the physical console.

Is it really necessary for these engineers to connect to the
console session? Isn't a normal session good enough?
You can limit which administrators have permission to connect to
the console session. Check here for details:

How can I change which users or Administrators can connect to the
console session?
Vera Noest
MCSE, CCEA, Microsoft MVP - Terminal Server
TS troubleshooting: http://ts.veranoest.net
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=?Utf-8?B?QW5keSBTY3V0dA==?= <Andy
Scutt@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote on 06 dec 2007 in

> Hi
> We have just upgraded one of our servers to 2003 which is used
> in our office as a live monitoring platform. Unfortunately it is
> also used by remote engineers to RDP to. Now when someone
> connects to the server (to the console) the local screen locks,
> which is not a big issue if, when the remote connection ends,
> the screen would unlock. But it doesnt - is there anything I can
> do to either stop the local session getting locked when a
> console connection comes in or automatically log the local
> session back in after rdp session ends?
> Thanks