Giving up on Vista

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
That's it, I've finally had enough with Vista.

I will be uninstalling Vista on my home boxes and reverting back to XP & Win2k3 as soon as I get some free time to back up close to a terabyte of data. reformat 2 boxes, reinstall XP and then reinstall and configure all my apps.

After months of wasted time and frustration, I'm simply giving up.

I suspect my Vista registry is FUBAR'd, silverlight doesn't work, flash doesn't work, adobe acrobat PRO doesn't work. ASPx pages take 5 full minutes on the first run when launching from VS.NET, the list goes on and on and on.

3rd party components such as*DevExpress and Infragistics are unable to create toolbox icons in VS.NET....*

I don't have access to literally hundreds of registry keys, in fact, no one has access to them. Even psexec can't replace the rights on them since apparently they have NO Owner.

This is absolutely retarded, I have spent at least 30 full hours trying unsuccessfully to fix these issues, or to obtain support for them.

My Event Log wrote:
Product: Microsoft Silverlight -- Error 1402. Could not open key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Classes\AgControl.AgControl.1.0\CLSID. System error 5. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.

What a pain in my a$$.
Microsoft, I'm not impressed; not at all.


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