Japanese Characters in IE 6.0

  • Thread starter Thread starter dschectman@yahoo.com
  • Start date Start date


I have an issue with Japanese Characters sent unencoded in a URL Form
post and get work, but href does not work. When clicking on an href
using IE 6.0, some Japanese characters are convereted to 'E' cuasing
havoc with the URL. It does not happen with all Japanese strings.
This is not an issue with the Java/JSP code because, I can see the
incorrect URL in the web server access logs (Iplanet web server 6.0)

One obvious workaround is to encode all Japanese characters in every
HREF, but this workaround is not feasible. All the Japanese
characters come from external datasources (databases, API's, etc).
The application uses XSL files to transform the data and generate the
hrefs. We cannot insist that the datasources return encoded
characters. Moreover since we are using XSLT 1.0, it not feasible to
utf-8 encode the characters as %U....

Incorrect URL
Parameter1 年初~前四半期累訁EreportDesc2=通貨別グローバル
Parameter2 null
年初~前四半期累訁EreportDesc2=通貨別グローバル - - [13/Dec/2007:10:18:46 -0500] "GET /NASApp/
£ƒτ┤»Φ¿üEreportDesc2=ΘÇÜΦ▓¿σêÑπé░πâ¡πâ╝πâÉπâ½ HTTP/1..1" 200 -

Correct URL
Parameter1 年初~前四半期累計
Parameter2 通貨別グローバル
年初~前四半期累計 - - [13/Dec/2007:10:19:34 -0500] "POST /NASApp/
DealSearch/test3.jsp HTTP/1.1" 200 -

I can only reproduce this issue on a Japanese PC with Japanese OS (XP
SP2 + security patches) configfured for Japenese regional and language
support under the control panel regional settings and IE 6.0 browser.
I cannot reproduce this issue if IE 7.0 is installed on the PC. I
cannot reproduce this issue on a non Japanese PC whose primary
langugage is set to Japanese. When I configured my US PC for Japanese
regional and language support, I could not reproduce the issue.

Here are JSPs that I use for testing.
<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ page import = "java.io.*" %>
<%@ page import = "java.net.URLEncoder" %>

String selectedFileDesc ="年初~前四半期累計";
String selectedFileDesc2="通貨別グローバル";


<form method="POST" action="/NASApp/DealSearch/test3.jsp" name="test">
<input type="text" value="<%=selectedFileDesc%>" name="reportDesc" />
<input type="text" value="<%=selectedFileDesc2%>" name="reportDesc2" /

<input type="Submit" />

<a href="/NASApp/DealSearch/test3.jsp?reportDesc=<%=selectedFileDesc
%&reportDesc2=<%=selectedFileDesc2%>">Click Here</a><br/>


<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<%@ include file="/util/decoder.jsp" %>

String selectedFileDesc=(String) request.getParameter( "reportDesc" );
String selectedFileDesc2=(String)
request.getParameter( "reportDesc2" );

out.println("Parameter1 " + selectedFileDesc + "<br>");
out.println("Parameter2 " + selectedFileDesc2 + "<br>");

<script> document.write(unescape('<%=selectedFileDesc%>'));</script>


Thanks in advance for any ideas on this issue

Re: Japanese Characters in IE 6.0

On Dec 13, 9:31 am, dschect...@yahoo.com wrote:

> Thanks in advance for any ideas on this issue
