Clueless Communication to MSDN Subscribers

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
I received today an e-mail from Microsoft about an upcoming shipment that is part of my MSDN subscription.* It reads, in pertinent part,

Ship DatePart NumberItem NameQuantityCarrierTracking No.2007-12-18F1Q-00007VStudio Pro w/MSDN Pro English NA Subscr MVL DVD VLP
1MI2MLV628337So, what does this tell us?* It is Visual Studio Professional that is part of a subscription to the Professional Level of the Microsoft Developer Network.* The version is targeted to English speaking customers in North America.* The medium is DVD.* MVL?* Your guess is as good as mine.* VLP is Volume Licensing Program.

We know the part number.* What we don't know is what it is that is being shipped.* I can assume that it is the latest and greatest Visual Studio.* But, where in this mess does it say that?


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