The BBC website is undergoing a long overdue overhaul. I vaguely recollect the original (present) site costing somewhere around the 2 million mark.
What faults can you pick from the present page? My hate is the waste of space, i.e. the fact that the page is aligned left. There is loads of content that is crammed consequently. The beta site excels in the use of gradient panels everywhere. I cannot believe that there isn't a single gradient panel in the original site. Can you spot any problems in the beta becuase I can't. Not 1 fault. I presume that type of 'extravigance' would have been frowned upon back then. The designer (s) would have
*told, "look, this is the BBC. Keep it simple!"
It's this super clean, crisp ajaxified, design that pleases one no end. Progress is certainly being made. I will use the site more often because of it. I will also spend more time using it.
I've no doubt that* (in my mind) at least changed a lot of things about this type of design. Find me a Win32 smart client that looks as good as any of the above. Answers on a postcard please!
WPF has some catching up to do. By catching up I mean this. Imaging you have to work with an application that looks like the first image every day. Drab, unexciting, demure, somnifacient...
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What faults can you pick from the present page? My hate is the waste of space, i.e. the fact that the page is aligned left. There is loads of content that is crammed consequently. The beta site excels in the use of gradient panels everywhere. I cannot believe that there isn't a single gradient panel in the original site. Can you spot any problems in the beta becuase I can't. Not 1 fault. I presume that type of 'extravigance' would have been frowned upon back then. The designer (s) would have
*told, "look, this is the BBC. Keep it simple!"
It's this super clean, crisp ajaxified, design that pleases one no end. Progress is certainly being made. I will use the site more often because of it. I will also spend more time using it.
I've no doubt that* (in my mind) at least changed a lot of things about this type of design. Find me a Win32 smart client that looks as good as any of the above. Answers on a postcard please!
WPF has some catching up to do. By catching up I mean this. Imaging you have to work with an application that looks like the first image every day. Drab, unexciting, demure, somnifacient...
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