Seamless Terminal Server (Windows & Linux users)

Jan 10, 2007
In The Machine
Heres an early Christmas gift to fellow niners with Windows and Linux boxes,who are looking for an easy way to access all their Windows applications andremote files when Wine-type solutions fall flat.

I've packaged together a set of software components. Itprovides a seamless terminal solution for Fedora Linux users with capable Windows machines.

I've made RPMs for a patched CVS-built rdesktop, included Microsoft'sElevate Power Toy for Vista, Fontis IT's enhanced SeamlessRDP server,and a small tray application and five page Readme wrote by me.

Be sure to check the Readme file.

System Requirements:

* A computer with a version of Windows that encompasses the servercomponent of Terminal Services--Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000, WindowsXP Professional, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista Business, Ultimate,or Enterprise.

Note: Windows Server 2008 terminal servers are not yet supported.

* At least one computer with Fedora Linux installed. Although thissoftware is capable of working on other distributions or Unix-likeoperating systems with a simple re-compile procedure, this particularpackage is designed to work with 32-bit versions of Fedora and Windows.Re-compiling the SRPM and SeamlessRDP components are necessary for64-bit machines with 64-bit operating systems.

* Any sort of network or Internet connection for both the server andclient. A simple 56K modem connection would be sufficient. That said,dial-up modem support under Linux is a joke at best; therefore, formost users the only options are wired Ethernet or wirelessconnectivity. The Terminal Server system may be accessed from a localor wide area network or via the Internet.


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