PowerScripting Podcast Episode 15 now out!

  • Thread starter Thread starter Hal Rottenberg
  • Start date Start date

Hal Rottenberg

For the full show notes and to subscribe to the podcast, please visit us
at http://powerscripting.net. This is the first time I've cross-posted
to the other groups, we would love to have new listeners and any
feedback, positive or negative. You can also find us in iTunes and soon
in the Zune Marketplace.

A Podcast about Windows PowerShell.

In This Episode

* Special guest this episode, Joel Bennett aka “Jaykul” from
* “The Developer Show”
* New software releases, interviews, other goodies


* AD Cmdlets RTM (Dmitry’s PowerBlog)
”We kind of kept sticking to the fashion of perpetual betas for quite
some time now (since the first 1.0 beta released late March through the
RC 1.0.5 this fall) and we feel that the product is now feature rich and
stable enough…”
* Windows PowerShell Holiday Gift Guide: Books (Technet Scripting
”The Scripting Guys present their first-ever Windows PowerShell Holiday
Gift Guide. In this inaugural gift guide we survey some of the best
PowerShell software, script editors, cmdlets, and add-ins that money can
* An Interview with Lee Holmes (Technet Scripting Center)
”Lee Holmes is a developer on the Windows PowerShell team and author of
the new book Windows PowerShell Cookbook (which includes a foreword
written by Scripting Guy Dean Tsaltas).”
* An Interview with Lee Holmes (A Couple of Admins Podcast)
* Cisco opening up IOS (Network World)
”Cisco’s plan to open up its venerable IOS routing software to customers
and third-party developers is a bold move designed to further the
company’s push to make the network the epicenter of the virtual data


* Expresso Regular Expression Development Tool
Very cool tool to create regexes. Free registration required.



* Discussion on an email from listener John Cook:

“I’m a programmer, so I don’t find PowerShell (or VBScript etc.)
difficult as a language. What I find difficult about scripting is
scripting itself, such as recognizing when it’s worth the effort to
write a script. I’m a big fan of scripting, but I don’t write a lot of
scripts because I don’t think to do it. Or I’m doing something that’s
not repetitive enough to script.

I would find it interesting to listen to a show about scripting
strategy: organizing tasks so they can be scripted, etc.

I would also find it interesting to hear a discussion about testing
scripts. I’m a fan of test-driven development, but scripts are hard to
test. Scripts are full of side effects: creating or deleting files,
setting properties, sending email, etc.”

* Discussion with Joel about his new Windows Automation Snapin for
PowerShell (WASP)
o Blog post:
o New Codeplex project: http://codeplex.com/WASP
o This is basically an upgrade to the Win32.Windows snapin
Joel released a while back, the one thing that’s missing in this release
that was possible in that one is using frame-set definitions to position
windows. That will make it back in eventually, but in the meantime, I
present some major new additions which add up to the ability to do 90%
of what you’d want to do in testing or automating your winforms app’s UI.
* Also covered: Joel’s experiences developing a Windows
Presentation Foundation (WPF) PowerShell host.


(new-object -com SAPI.SpVoice).Speak("Hello $($env:UserName)",2)

Hal Rottenberg <hal@halr9000.com>
Author, TechProsaic (http://halr9000.com)
Webmaster, Psi (http://psi-im.org)
Co-host, PowerScripting Podcast (http://powerscripting.net)