Computer hangs on connecting USB device

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sandeep Kulkarni
  • Start date Start date

Sandeep Kulkarni

I am using a PC with AMD X2 5200 with Asus M2A-VM mobo for nearly 1.5
months. Recently I am experiencing a strange problem with Windows XP
that whenever I connect any USB device, it just stops working. Mouse
works for some time and then it also stops responding. This problem
came I suppose after I upgraded my DVD-Writer firmware (it is LG HL-DT-
ST GSA H10N and about 1 yr old) from JL10 TO JL12. This is only a
possibility. I am not sure what is exactly the reason. There was a
button to restart the computer on the upgrade program. But it did
nothing. So I just restarted it manually by closing all the
applications running including the upgrade program. PC started
normally. But after that PC started behaving as I have explained
What may be the reason? It is anything related to firmware upgrade?
Also I have dual boot system with XP and Vista. Vista works with no
problem. XP is the one that is showing problem. I haven't written any
new CD/DVD after firmware upgrade yet. I will write one today. But
first want to solve this issue. Any help will be appreciated.