Re: nasty assertion error
Right this ntp server does support graphics it is only your client that
keeps you from seeing the html and to be honest with you there is a time and
place when a picture speaks a thousand words and I really didn't want to do
all the writing. Now I posted it at a gif so that even a dial-up would have
no problem downloading the post. So I was considerate there I can only hope
that some people have the courtesy to grin and bear it. If not again I
apologize to all that don't want to enable the ability to read html posts.
The post itself would have been atrociously hard for me to explain the issue
mostly because I didn't even know what it was other than it's and error.
Writing I had the error would not have helped to explain the error since the
error itself is really not a good explanation what is happening. Haven't
you ever got an error and knew right off the bat the error was wrong?
Let me give you an example of such an error it is very easy to do. Remove
all NTFS security on the file tftp.exe in C:\WINNT\system32. It won't hurt
anything you can operate this way if you want and is really a good security
measure. Anyway install your Service Pack again. Of course if you have IE
6 in Windows 2000 DON'T DO THIS. Watch what happens. You will find your
service pach install fails because with error mesage tftp is being used.
WRONG. That is NOT the error. So you see my error is the similar to this.
I found out my DirectShow is now wasted because this is a Pentium 3 computer
and you can check out the article on it:
Granted this is for Windows 98 but then look at this article:
Notice it applies to IE 5.5 which is what I am using here. Notice the error
title in my picture says Visual C++ Debug Library. See that is why a
picture can speak a thousand words. The error itself is not giving us any
valid information it is the title of the MessageBox widow that is pertinent
Anyway thanks for any help on this issue but it really looks like I hosed
this system trying to update its DirectX. Live and learn. I don't know how
I could have avoided this since the link at Microsoft leading to an update
for DirectX in Windows 2000 was wrong. It lead to a piece of the DirectX
SDK and therein is why I am in this predicament. I guess the moral of the
storry here is be careful trying to update products at Microsft that aren't
current products. Otherwise things like this can happen. Thanks.
George Hester
"Sid Elbow" <> wrote in message
> Alex Blekhman wrote:
> > "Sid Elbow" wrote:
> >> Many (most?) nntp servers strip attachments in non-binary groups these
> >> days. (In fact many don't carry binary groups either but that's
> >> another story).
> >
> > I subscribed directly with "" server. I can read
> > HTML posts and see all attachments.
> Great! It's nice to know there's at least one server that will do it