Re: powertoys for VISTA
On Fri, 4 Jan 2008 16:25:02 -0600, "Steve" <>
>"Chris Game" <> wrote in message
>> On Thu, 03 Jan 2008 19:45:31 -0800, Paul Knudsen wrote:
>>> On Tue, 1 Jan 2008 18:59:00 -0800, GJB <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>Is there a Powertoys (tweak) version for VISTA ? I want to at least get
>>>>of those stupid shortcut arrows.
>>> Who cares? How much time do you spend looking at the desktop?
>> And why wouldn't one use the handy visual clue as to which icon
>> represented a shortcut and which a file/program? These clues were
>> designed by MSFT at great expense and with some trouble so that
>> morons could use PCs without getting too confused; so why not take
>> advantage?
>> --
>> Chris Game
>> "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything
>> that counts can be counted." - Albert Einstein
>Don't know about you, but the shortcuts on my PC are on the desktop, the
>files they associate with are not. Thus the whole "shortcut" thing. It is
>easy and simple to know what is a shortcut, just by where it is (for most
>folks I would guess, but could be wrong).
>Not only that but you get that nifty little pop-up saying "deleting shortcut
>does not remove program..." or the like when you try to delete a shortcut
>and "deleting this file may cause some stuff not to work..." or the like
>when you try to delete the real deal.
>Or maybe MS went to great expense to remove those warnings in Vista.
>Haven't deleted a shortcut in Vista yet to know.
Nope, Steve, the warnings are all still there.
From my way of thinking, "shortcuts" have a good purpose: they make
it much easier to launch applications, which are many times several
layers deep in a path branch or with hard-to-remember file names.
BTW, Steve: shortcuts may be placed anywhere in the Path structure.
They are not restricted to the Desktop.
Donald L McDaniel