Re: powertoys for VISTA
"cqui3" <cqui3@hotmail.com> a écrit dans le message de news:...
> "Mike Hall - MVP" <mikehall@mvps.com> a écrit dans le message de
> news:%2327MEzOTIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> "GJB" <GJB@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>> news:73B05A72-6E9B-4A15-BCDD-D8717E477687@microsoft.com...
>>> Is there a Powertoys (tweak) version for VISTA ? I want to at least get
>>> rid
>>> of those stupid shortcut arrows.
>>> Thanks.
>> Powertoys is not out yet, but you can rid yourself of the arrows..
>> http://www.frameworkx.com/Frameworkx/contentblogdetail.aspx?blog=57&id=512
>> --
>> Mike Hall - MVP
>> http://msmvps.com/blogs/mikehall/default.aspx
> I downloaded a French translated TweeakUI from the net
> http://telechargement.zebulon.fr/tweak-ui.html
> and amazingly it worked with Vista. I do not even
> recall setting up as XP compatible.
> An old version : 1.33.
> It may be possible to find the original English language version
> on the net.
> Have not tried to remove the arrow, but it did remove the
> ".shortcut" word from my new shortcuts.
> I hope it works for you.
the english version can be found here
"cqui3" <cqui3@hotmail.com> a écrit dans le message de news:...
> "Mike Hall - MVP" <mikehall@mvps.com> a écrit dans le message de
> news:%2327MEzOTIHA.5208@TK2MSFTNGP04.phx.gbl...
>> "GJB" <GJB@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
>> news:73B05A72-6E9B-4A15-BCDD-D8717E477687@microsoft.com...
>>> Is there a Powertoys (tweak) version for VISTA ? I want to at least get
>>> rid
>>> of those stupid shortcut arrows.
>>> Thanks.
>> Powertoys is not out yet, but you can rid yourself of the arrows..
>> http://www.frameworkx.com/Frameworkx/contentblogdetail.aspx?blog=57&id=512
>> --
>> Mike Hall - MVP
>> http://msmvps.com/blogs/mikehall/default.aspx
> I downloaded a French translated TweeakUI from the net
> http://telechargement.zebulon.fr/tweak-ui.html
> and amazingly it worked with Vista. I do not even
> recall setting up as XP compatible.
> An old version : 1.33.
> It may be possible to find the original English language version
> on the net.
> Have not tried to remove the arrow, but it did remove the
> ".shortcut" word from my new shortcuts.
> I hope it works for you.
the english version can be found here