Robert Aldwinckle
Re: v4 instead of v6
(cross-post added to 64bit General)
"JP" <JP@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Yes!
> The same thing with my x64 SP2 system.
> I tried everything but nothing is working.
> Has anybody have the solution?
What is the User-Agent involved? (E.g. use Fiddler2.)
Perhaps there is something confusing about it which makes WU
assume it is the least capable browser?
Try using a User-Agent spoof? (e.g. ref. KB923196)
Cross-posting to a 64-bit NG in case this is already a known issue.
Good luck
Robert Aldwinckle
(cross-post added to 64bit General)
"JP" <JP@discussions.microsoft.com> wrote in message
> Yes!
> The same thing with my x64 SP2 system.
> I tried everything but nothing is working.
> Has anybody have the solution?
What is the User-Agent involved? (E.g. use Fiddler2.)
Perhaps there is something confusing about it which makes WU
assume it is the least capable browser?
Try using a User-Agent spoof? (e.g. ref. KB923196)
Cross-posting to a 64-bit NG in case this is already a known issue.
Good luck
Robert Aldwinckle