Found this article that talks about a piece of spyware called "cipav",
used by none less than the FBI. According to the article the
organization is able to get this piece of spyware installed through
the target users gmail and myspace accounts.
Check for example this link:
or this:
Would not surprise me if it was possible to accomplish this through
yahoo and hotmail as well. Most likely all large U.S. corporations are
in bed with 'who-ever-may-now-be-in-charge', just as various
corporations provided silent support for Hitlers atrocities during
WWII. Probably part of the reason as to why yahoo recently removed
their email storage meter;-P
Some months ago it was in the news that google did not want to give
out information about its users search queries to the government. At
least they did not deny collecting data, which they do (because it is
'big business').
Better to use other search engines (like perhaps clusty?) if you care
about privacy, or disable java* technologies and cookies while using
yahoo or google...
used by none less than the FBI. According to the article the
organization is able to get this piece of spyware installed through
the target users gmail and myspace accounts.
Check for example this link:
or this:
Would not surprise me if it was possible to accomplish this through
yahoo and hotmail as well. Most likely all large U.S. corporations are
in bed with 'who-ever-may-now-be-in-charge', just as various
corporations provided silent support for Hitlers atrocities during
WWII. Probably part of the reason as to why yahoo recently removed
their email storage meter;-P
Some months ago it was in the news that google did not want to give
out information about its users search queries to the government. At
least they did not deny collecting data, which they do (because it is
'big business').
Better to use other search engines (like perhaps clusty?) if you care
about privacy, or disable java* technologies and cookies while using
yahoo or google...